Symptom Tracker
Monitor Your Symptoms And Isolate Triggers.
How To Use This Book
• Find 100 organised pages dedicated to recording symptoms you may experience, which could be part of an ongoing condition or chronic illness.
• Note the date and time(s) when you experienced these symptoms. You can rate either the pain or discomfort of the symptoms on a scale of 0 -10.
• Each page contains space to record anything you suspect may have triggered your symptoms, plus specialised sections for if you suspect an exercise or food may have been the trigger.
• There are optional spaces to record sleep duration and quality if needed, as well as space for heart rate, blood pressure and the weather on that day.
• Additionally there is space to record any relief or intervention you may have taken to relieve your symptoms and a check box to confirm if it was effective or not.
Also includes:
• Medication List to keep track of all the regular medications that you take along with the dosage. You can also record the frequency, whether that is every day, 5 times a week, weekly or just when needed. Finally you can record what time of day it is taken typically, although you may just use morning, afternoon or evening if you prefer.
• Medical Appointment List to record any medical appointments you may have. This could be related to an ongoing condition or any general appointments such as the dentist or optician visits too. Convenient space is provided for time and date and any requirements need for your appointment.
8.5 by 11 inches (215.9 by 279.4 mm)
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